Bogeda Catena Zapata




This is a typical entry to a winery. Long ride down a dusty, tree-lined gravel road until you see a gate. Very little signage. No advertisement.





Once inside the understated entrance, the change is immediate with groomed grounds leading up to the immense vineyards, and eventually to the bodega offices and plant.





Once in the vineyards, the main building can be seen about a mile down this main driveway.





Strange looking bodega.





Unusual Inca style architecture.





Inside the conference room in the ageing warehouse.





An elaborate tasting room.





Enjoying several samples with our hostess guide. This was our first winery tour, and we didn't realize that we would have private tours in nearly every winery.





View from the top. Buried in those clouds are several mountain peaks over 21,000 feet tall.


On to Bogeda Septima

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